We want to welcome you back to church this Sunday, May 17, 2020. We have been working hard to prepare for reopening the church for public services. We are excited to announce that we will be having service again this Sunday, May 17, at 10:15 am.
Here are some things to keep in mind…
1. For the month of May we will only be having our Sunday Morning Worship Service along with Kids Life. We will NOT restart Sunday School, Mid-week services or small groups until June
2. We have been working very hard throughout this time of quarantine to maintain a high quality of cleaning and sanitization. We doubled our efforts this week with an extra thorough wipe down and sanitization of every surface and touch point. I want to especially thank Natalie Tillman for working so hard to get everything ready.
3. When you come in you will see reminders about social distancing and good practices to follow during this time. You will also see a table that has hand sanitizer and masks (disposable and reusable) for you to use. Masks are not required but are available. These items are also available in the Kids Life Building. Also, remember to practice good hand washing before service, while here, and after you leave.
4. We encourage those who are vulnerable to stay home and continue to take advantage of our online services. We will be live streaming the service on YouTube starting at 10:15 am. You can find our YouTube channel here…
5. We have modified the seating in the sanctuary to accommodate reasonable social distancing between family groups. We have groups of 2, 3, and 4 chairs with spacing between the groups. Family groups may sit together. Similar steps have been utilized in our Children’s building as well. Pastor Lindsey will also be working with your children to practice safe hygiene and limiting physical interaction with each other while here on campus.
6. If you are sick, think you might be, are running a fever, or having other flu like symptoms; please STAY HOME
7. For now, there will be NO Hospitality table or greeting time during our services. We also ask you to refrain from close personal contact with others (like hugging and shaking hands). While we know you want to fellowship and catch up with each other, please continue to respect reasonable social distancing protocols and refrain from gathering in close proximity with large groups of people for long periods of time.
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