October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020
Join us for a new series about Growing Spiritually. Each week will will examine several related areas of our spiritual life and ask ourselves how we could grow in each area. Today I want to look at the areas of Trust, Contentment and Thankfulness.
KET TEXTS: 2 Peter 1:5-11; Ephesians 4:11-13; Hebrews 5:12-6:1
There is an Expectation of Growth
For many there is a PRESUMPTION that Spiritual Growth will happen automatically
There is a Prescription for Growth
1. Growing in my TRUST of God
What is one area of my life that I could TRUST God more?
2. Growing in CONTENTMENT
I have a difficult time being CONTENT when it comes to…?
3. Growing in THANKFULNESS
Some big things I am THANKFUL for…
Some small things I am THANKFUL for…
Some difficult things I am THANKFUL for…
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